Monday, July 2, 2007

The Basic Steps For Filing A Car Insurance Claim

Being involved in a car accident is never planned. However,
what you do or don't do immediately after the accident can
directly impact your cost of car insurance as well as your
state of mind.

The very first thing that you should do when you are
involved in a car accident is exchange driver information.
That is assuming you are not seriously injured. If you are
seriously injured, make sure that the following information
is collected by someone at the scene of the accident.

Get the other driver's name, address, telephone number,
driver's license number, insurance carrier, policy number,
insurance carriers telephone number, and the license plate
number of the vehicle or vehicles involved in the accident.

If there are any witnesses to the accident, identify them
by getting their name, address, and telephone numbers. They
may be needed to substantiate how the accident occurred.

Contact local law enforcement and report the accident. If
you can not reach them, you can go to your local police
department, sheriff's office, or Department Of Motor
Vehicles and obtain the necessary form to complete and
submit it while there. You also may be able to submit the
report via the Department Of Motor Vehicles website.

In the majority of cases, you should report the accident to
your insurance company. Before calling them, make sure that
you understand your policy.

Sit down and carefully read your car insurance policy. If
there is any part of it that you do not understand, call
your insurance agent or company, have a list of questions
prepared, and get the answers.

If you still are not sure as to what to ask, you may quote
car insurance with another insurance company and while you
are getting your quote, ask them.

Once you have a complete understanding of your policy,
contact your insurance carrier as soon as possible to
report the accident. An insurance adjuster may be sent to
record the damages to your vehicle and take your report and
determine who was at fault in the accident. Be prepared for
this. If necessary have a written description of what
happened including any diagrams that will explain the

And, if any of the witnesses would be willing to give you a
written deposition, have that available as well.

If the accident was not your fault, you can either contact
the other driver's insurance company or have your insurance
company contact them to handle the repairs to your vehicle,
or if necessary replace your vehicle.

If you use the other driver's insurance company, you will
not have to file a claim on your policy and pay any of your
deductible to have your vehicle repaired.

Do not relieve the responsible insurance company of its
responsibility until all of the damages are settled to your
satisfaction. If necessary have your insurance company
handle your claim if the other party's insurance company
questions who was at fault or offers an unacceptable

Be sure to consider all of the settlement factors:

Bodily Injury - You may be entitled to financial
compensation for any injuries caused by the other driver.
It may take several days for your injuries to become

Property Damage - The insurance company is responsible for
paying the reasonable cost to repair the other drivers
vehicle or property if you are at fault. If you are not at
fault, the other insurance company is responsible for the
repairs to your vehicle. An insurance adjuster will
determine the damages. In most cases the insurance company
and the repair shop negotiate any disagreements about what
should be repaired. If you don't agree with their
conclusion, you have the right to go to another repair shop.

Being involved in a auto accident is never fun, but do
understand that you have certain basic rights, and if you
are not satisfied with the way your claim is being handled,
you can contact the state Department Of Insurance regarding
your claim.

Barry Brenner is a licensed auto insurance agent with
extensive experience selling car insurance. You can visit
his popular website at:


General Insurance News