Monday, June 18, 2007

Cheap Auto Insurance - 10 Crucial Tips For Traveling Teens And Petrified Parents

Cheap auto insurance can cost you a bundle if you don't keep a
few crucial tips in mind. You have to do your homework to
ensure that you understand the fine print - especially if you
have a teenager on the verge of discovering the joys and
freedom of driving. You don't want to discover too late that
your cheap auto insurance policy doesn't provide coverage for a
young driver...

It is an unfortunate fact that teenagers cause a spike in claim
rates. Research has shown their accident rate to be up to ten
times as high as that of older, more experienced drivers. This
high risk group has a direct effect on quotes. The premium can
almost double in some instances. Fortunately there are ways to
soften the blow as far as your cheap auto insurance package is

1. Type Of Vehicle: While choosing a low risk vehicle for your
teen may have you out of the running as far as the popularity
contest is concerned, it will affect your insurance quote
significantly. Companies frown on an expensive, fast sports
car with a teenager behind the wheel. Don't dangle temptation
in front of your teen. Choose that older, heavier car and you
will qualify for a much lower premium, as well as a measure of
peace of mind. Get a list of the no-go wheels from your

2. Driving History: Try to get your teen to understand that
their driving history is just as important as their credit
history. Avoiding a black mark in any shape or form is vital.
Don't claim for small mishaps. Tickets for speeding are a

Passing a course at a reputable driving school will also enable
your carrier to see the teen as less of a risk. Why not join
your child in a Defensive Driver Program, in order to qualify
for a cheap auto insurance discount? This will equip both of
you to cut the risk of rear-end crashes, while teaching you and
your teen to use emergency brake procedures correctly, to use
safe following distances, and to drive safely in foul weather.

Expecting your teen carry his or her share of the coverage is a
great way to create a careful driver and teach responsibility.

3. Avoid Distractions: Teach your teen to concentrate on
driving and driving alone when in the car. No distractions are
allowed. No cell phone calls. No fooling around with
passengers. In fact, putting restrictions on carrying
passengers during the first year or so of driving is probably
sensible and can help to get you cheap auto insurance. In some
states teens are now barred from carrying more than one
passenger. It has been proven that having three or more
passengers makes the driver up to three times as likely to be
involved in an accident. The new laws also prohibit driving
during the dangerous late night and early morning period. This
already seems to have a beneficial effect on premiums.

4. Seat Belt Safety: Seat belt use is without question one of
the most vital aspects of driving. Your teen must know that his
wheels will be confiscated if he ever drives without wearing a
seat belt. This also applies to passengers. By signing a seat
belt wearing undertaking, you may increase your chances of
landing cheap auto insurance.

5. You Are The Role Model: Remember that you are your teen's
role model when it comes to driving. If you don't stick to the
rules, you can't expect your kids to do so. Your example over
the years will play an important role in the way they approach
their own driving later on.

6. Change Driver Status: Your teen may qualify to be an
occasional driver, which will draw a lower premium. At first it
will also be less expensive to have teens covered under your
personal protection plan. They can change to their own plan
later on, once they have established some sort of record.

7. Liability Coverage: Never, ever try to save on liability
coverage when taking out cheap auto insurance. This is
absolutely vital. If at all possible get a comprehensive
umbrella policy. This will give you a huge cushion in case of a
serious accident. It is astonishing how costs can add up if such
an unfortunate incident occurs.

8. Get Good Grades: A number of companies allow generous
discounts of up to 25% for good grades! Make a B average or
higher a provision for allowing your teen on the road.

9. Company Car: If you have your own business, your teen may be
able to use the company car without you
being slapped with a higher premium. Investigate this

10. Carry-Over From Your Teen: An important fact that is often
overlooked is that your teen's carelessness or risky behavior
may bump you into the high risk category with sky-high
premiums! Your kid has to understand that his or her driving
record is serious business, likely to affect the whole family.
If not handled with responsibility, it may void your chances of
ever getting cheap auto insurance.

About The Author: - At the site
you can also read the article: 10 Crucial Cheap Auto Insurance
Tips, and other free articles by Rika Susan of Copyright: 2007 Rika Susan. This
article may be reprinted if the resource box and hyperlinks are
left intact.

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